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Design for X - Right to Repair

Design for X (DfX, DFX) or Design for Excellence where "X" is a variable that can have many different values.

Design for Manufacturing

Design for Injection Molding

Design for Assembly

Design for Additive Manufacturing

Design for Cost (reduced)

Design for Machining

Design for Weight (reduced)

Design for Reliability

Design for Safety​​

...etc, etc

The value for X describes a specific trait at each phase of a product's lifecycle.

For example, we might focus on reducing cost by consolidating components and reducing labor. Consolidating components can have a negative effect of decreased system repair-ability.

For difficult-to-repair devices, some companies will mandate that the device is brought in to provide 'authorized' repair service. This guarantees that the device will be repaired correctly.

They can make proprietary tools that are not for sale. They can keep any repair documentation closed to public.

I can understand when someone purchases a device (be it a tractor or a computer) and they want to provide their own service.

But it's a Catch-22: making devices support third-party repair can drive down reliability and increase size and cost!

These decisions are usually at odds with the real customer needs.

Understanding the end customer goals is critical to designing products that meet customer expectations.

We must know up front that repair-ability is high priority, and we can then define the necessary co

st, weight, size, and reliability tradeoffs that will be necessary to achieve it.

Make it a great week! I'd love to visit about any device design projects that you have going.


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